

Extract from the register of associations as of 09.02.2023

General data
Responsibility: Regional Police Directorate of Upper Austria – Security Administration Department
ZVR number: 615010797

Association data
Name: Iron Curtain Memorial
Headquarters: Linz (Linz)
Address for service: 4040 Linz, Fröhlerweg 53
Country: Austria
Date of foundation: 25.09.1998
Statutory representation regulation:
The chairman together with the secretary, in financial matters together with the treasurer, are responsible for the external representation. Written documents of the association are to be signed by these functionaries.

Representatives of the Association
Power of representation: 09.11.2021 – 08.11.2024 (period of office)
Surname: Winkler
First name: Bernhard
Title (first): Dr.
Title (later):

Power of representation: 09.11.2021 – 08.11.2024 (term of office)
Surname: Pesendorfer
First name: Eduard
Title (first): Dr.
Title (post.):

Power of representation: 09.11.2021 – 08.11.2024 (term of office)
Surname: Schöfecker
First name: Michael
Title (first): Dr.
Title (post.):

This extract contains information on those persons who, as founders or liquidators, are authorised to represent the association externally on the basis of the law (§§ 2 para. 2 or 30 para. 1 VerG) or as representatives of the organs according to the articles of association.
With the exception of representation by an officially appointed liquidator, this information is also based on information provided by the persons concerned or by the association about its representation relationships and on the representation regulations in the present articles of association.
In this respect, it is neither established nor confirmed with binding effect that the persons named actually hold or have held these functions in a legally valid manner.
Confidence in the accuracy of this information is protected to the extent that no one knows or should know of its incorrectness (§ 17 para 8 VerG).

Issuer: Federal Ministry of the Interior, Department IV/2
Date/Time: Thursday, 09 February 2023, 09:09:02

This page was created as part of a study project of the study programme Communication, Knowledge, Media at the University of Applied Sciences Hagenberg.

Creators: Anna Lanz, Marie Hilmer, Marion Scheiblhofer, Melanie Kalkhofer, Nicolas Faulhaber, Samuel Lange

Supervisors: FH Prof. Dr. Christina Ortner, FH Prof. DI(FH) Dr. Johannes Schönböck